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- On Sep 13, 2008, John D. of Knoxville, TN, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
- On Aug 14, 2008, Paul P. of Lagrange, GA, a member you referred, posted this story:
In a Prison/Jail Ministry. We were stopped from taking in full Bibles. Glory be to God in the highest. With these booklets, we are still able to get his Word out. We are blessed to have found these.

- On Aug 7, 2008, Bob B. of Pineville, WV, a member you referred, posted this story:
I give these out everywhere I go. Keep them in my car and hand them out at hospitals, gro. stores just anywhere i may be the GOSPEL OF JOHN is with me.

- On Jul 29, 2008, Floyd S. of Conway, SC, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
Gave one of the testaments to someone in the hospital. They read it and was saved and testified of the glory of the Lord in their life.

- On Jul 28, 2008, Jack T. of Port Angeles, WA, a member you referred, posted this story:
Street preaching in the Port Angeles Area

- On Jul 10, 2008, Regina T. of Totz, KY, a member you referred, posted this story:
i work in a ministry by helping the needy andi give out the gospels and also at the nursing homes and hospitals. thank you

- On Jul 8, 2008, Steve F. of Douglasville, GA, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
Through our food pantry to reach single mothers who are raising their children in these difficult times.

- On Jul 8, 2008, Chester C. of Atlanta, GA, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
We share the gospel with the troops and provide a Gospel of John

- On Jun 26, 2008, Bob B. of Pineville, WV, a member you referred, posted this story:
I visit hospital alot and I always have some Gospel of John with me. I leave them in the lobby and ER. I give them out in stores as well.

- On Jun 18, 2008, Roger U. of Humboldt, TN, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
These are just perfect to use at our local homeless shelter.

- On Jun 18, 2008, Joel H. of Asheville, NC, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
I have been sharing Jesus as I have been out in public. And I just thought what a better way to share Jesus than to have this pocket book of John to give out. See I am soon going out as a foreign missionary, so sharing Jesus is about second nature to me. It is just at this time I am low on finances except for my rent money. I hope soon I will be able to financially support you in the future. Thank you
Reverend Joel

- On Jun 18, 2008, Karen P. of Eagan, MN, a member you referred, posted this story:
My husband and I have a singing group - we put the Gospels on the same table as our CD's for anyone to take! I also give them out when anyone comes to the church to get food from our freezers! We have a food pantry ministry.
God bless all you do,

- On Jun 12, 2008, Darvin O. of Knoxville, TN, a member you referred, posted this story:
We have several children who come to our church whose parents cannot speak or read English very well. THese gospels of John will help them to understand God's word, and we trust, will at last lead them to Christ.

- On Jun 12, 2008, Sue S. of Liberty Hill, TX, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
Thank you for sponsoring me. I give these Gospels out to everyone I meet who will accept one. And most people do take them, only a small amount have ever declined.

- On Jun 11, 2008, Michael L. of Tulsa, OK, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
I was on a mission trip in New Orleans and the local church had some of these gospels and it was a helpful tool in sharing with people in the French Quarter. I was aso able to share with someone that was a wicken that had not been responsive before and when I left, I was able to leave the gospel of John with them knowing that the word of God can cut right through the soul.

- On Jun 8, 2008, Bob B. of Pineville, WV, a member you referred, posted this story:

- On May 27, 2008, Paul P. of Lagrange, GA, a member you referred, posted this story:
We run a prisom ministry. We were stopped from taking full bibles into the jail. This helps us to get the word to them. Thanks for your help.

- On May 18, 2008, Clark K. of Mt Washington, KY, a member you sponsored, posted this story:
I give them to strangers, leave them with tips, and I give them to merchants when I purchase things at a store.

- On Apr 7, 2008, Floyd S. of Conway, SC, a member you referred, posted this story:
left one in a convenience store and folks received a blessing.

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1,500 sponsored Gospel presentations
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568 total Gospel presentations
Gospel presentations sponsored: 388
Members sponsored: 14
Orders sponsored: 14
You have ordered 180 Gospels for your own sharing outreach.
Your Impact Club referrals: 37
Most recent referral: 07/28/2008
You are currently at the gold level.
You completed the Evangelism Boot Camp training program on 06/03/2006. Congratulations!
You are subscribed to Pocket Devotions.
The last devotional you received was Day #265.